Funeral Home Consulting
At Strategic Funeral Resources we help funeral homes innovate and adapt to the changing consumer environment. By focusing on creative, online solutions for cremation and burial families, we guide our clients to increasing profitability. Through innovation, our clients are able to transform their firms from market followers to market leaders – all with the singular focus to help their funeral homes achieve increased profitability and client satisfaction.
Our innovative online at need and pre need solutions provide funeral professionals a robust consumer-focused program that helps build funeral home revenues, profitability and market share. With significant experience in the profession, comprehensive resources and a proven track record, our online solutions bring together the technology to help reach families in new ways.
We have expanded our consulting services to be a more complete service provider. Our team leverages industry insights to help design and execute critical programs – from operations to marketing and customer experience solutions.

No matter how big or how small your firm may be, we have the capabilities and experience to deliver the solutions you need to move forward. Why not contact us and find out what we have to offer?